Understanding Your Clients: 14 Types of Customers and Their Characteristics

Understanding Your Clients: 14 Types of Customers and Their Characteristics

A company's customer base is its most valuable asset. Different types of customers have varying needs, preferences, and expectations, which means understanding the diverse customer category you serve is crucial. In this context, let's explore 14 different types of clients, especially for businesses that leverage the WhatsApp Business API for customer communication and service.

The Loyal Customer

Loyal customers are a treasure. They consistently choose your brand over different types of brands and are likely to recommend your products or services to others. Engaging these customers via personalized messages on WhatsApp can fortify their loyalty and convert them into brand ambassadors.

Showcase your loyal customers in your case studies or solicit their testimonials. This not only heightens their sense of value but also provides social validation for your brand to display on your website.

Engage with them to comprehend their journey to loyalty. Discover what aspects of your brand resonate with them and what initially cultivated their loyalty. Leverage these insights to replicate similar positive experiences for your broader customer base.

How to deal with them?

Engage these customers with exclusive loyalty rewards or early access to new products. Use WhatsApp to send personalized thank you messages, acknowledging their loyalty and importance to your business.

You can set up a Chatbot that will select such customers in a special category "Loyal" and make an individual newsletter program for them. Here you can learn more about our Chatbot builder: No-Code Chatbot for Business and this article is more about setting up a chatbot: WhatsApp Chatbot: Customer Engagement for Businesses.

The Discount Customer

These customers are primarily driven by discounts and promotional offers. Alert them about sales or special deals through WhatsApp notifications to encourage purchases.

How to deal with them?

Announce sales, discounts, and promotional offers through WhatsApp messages. Consider setting up automated messages for holidays and special sale days to keep these customers informed.

For these customers, you can run special mass newsletters using our Bulk messages tool.

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The Impulse Buyer

Impulse buyers make spontaneous purchases based on emotional triggers. Using WhatsApp Business, you can tempt them with visually appealing product images or limited time offer notifications.

How to deal with them?

Craft attractive, emotive messages with compelling visuals that can spark impulse purchases. With WhatsApp, you can quickly send these messages in real time, capitalizing on their spontaneous buying behaviour.

Such customers need to be constantly surprised, so create colourful media messages with interactive buttons, which can only be done in the WhatsApp Business API. Find out more by clicking on this link.

WhatsApp Customers

The Need-Based Customer

These customers only make purchases based on their immediate needs. Regular reminders about your products or services' benefits on WhatsApp can ensure your brand is top of mind when the need arises.

How to deal with them?

Set up automated reminders about replenishing products they frequently purchase. Use WhatsApp to provide timely solutions when they express a need.

You can set reminders and schedule messages with two functions: Automatic replies and Chatbot with reminders. You can learn how to configure them in this article: Harnessing the Power of WhatsApp Scheduler for Your Business.

The Wandering Customer

Wandering customers are unsure about what they need. They require guidance and assurance. WhatsApp's instant messaging feature allows you to provide real-time customer support, assisting them in making informed decisions.

How to deal with them?

Use WhatsApp's quick replies feature to answer common queries. Provide personalized suggestions based on their browsing or purchasing history.

These customers need quick and fairly detailed answers, and they can come to you on a variety of issues, including support, so learn how you can set up your marketing, support, sales departments on WhatsApp by clicking on the links above.

The New Customer

New customers require attention and nurturing. Welcome messages, introductions to your services, and timely follow-ups via WhatsApp can create a favorable impression and encourage repeat business.

How to deal with them?

Offer a welcome discount or gift through a WhatsApp message. Follow up with them to ask about their experience and offer assistance if required.

You can set up welcome messages in the instrument: automatic replies. Here's a helpful article on the same subject: Boosting Customer Service with Auto Replay Features on WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Customers

The High Spending Customer

These customers are not deterred by price and prioritize quality or brand reputation. Tailored messages highlighting premium products or exclusive services can cater to their preferences.

How to deal with them?

Use WhatsApp to offer a personal shopper experience, providing recommendations for high-end products or services. Invite them to exclusive events or give them early access to new products.

Such clients must be marked and discussed separately, so allow the Chatbot to poll and mark such a client with a dedicated tag, so that you can further personalize your work with the client.

The Negotiator

Negotiators always look for a better deal. While negotiating might be challenging via WhatsApp, you can use the platform to provide transparent pricing information and explain the value proposition of your products or services.

How to deal with them?

Provide clear and transparent pricing information via WhatsApp. Use the platform to explain the value they're getting for the price, ensuring they feel satisfied with the deal.

Negotiators are important to identify early, disconnect from automatic paths and allocate a separate operator to communicate with him, you can do this with Shared Team Inbox Chat.

The Habitual Customer

Habitual customers buy out of routine rather than loyalty. Regular engagement via WhatsApp can strengthen your relationship and convert them into loyal customers.

How to deal with them?

Use WhatsApp to introduce these customers to a wider range of products. Send personalized product suggestions based on their purchasing habits to expand their routine.

Maintain good service so that the client does not leave, this material can help you with that: 10 Positive Phrases, Words, and Expressions of Sympathy for Customer Service, 10 Great Substitutes for Sorry for the Inconvenience in WhatsApp Correspondence and 8 Tips to Improve Customer Service, 20 Inspiring Quotes about Customer Satisfaction.

The Occasional Customer

These customers buy from you only on special occasions. Keep track of these occasions and send personalized greetings or offers via WhatsApp to stay connected.

How to deal with them?

Schedule special occasion messages, like birthdays or anniversaries, with exclusive discounts or offers. WhatsApp can help maintain contact and encourage purchases on these occasions.

Here you need to keep track of analytics, so use Chatbot, which will save personal information about the client and notify you about the executed transactions.

The Researcher

Researchers take time to analyze and compare before purchasing. WhatsApp can be used to share detailed product information and answer their queries promptly.

How to deal with them?

Send detailed product comparisons, testimonials, or reviews through WhatsApp. Provide prompt responses to their questions and assure them of post-purchase support.

It's best to prepare all the supporting materials and presentations in advance and send them to the client, you can do this through WhatsApp Business API, which supports sending all types of files.

The Ethical Customer

These customers prefer brands that align with their ethical beliefs. Share your company's initiatives and values via WhatsApp to connect with them on a deeper level.

How to deal with them?

Share stories about your ethical practices, CSR activities, or sustainability efforts via WhatsApp. Connect with them on shared values and commitments. These articles will help you with that: 20 Inspiring Quotes about Customer Satisfaction, Leveraging WhatsApp Business API for Enhanced Customer Communication: The Power of Multiagent Shared Inbox Chat.

The Tech-Savvy Customer

Tech-savvy customers appreciate innovative and efficient customer service. Use WhatsApp's advanced features like automated replies and chatbots to meet their expectations.

How to deal with them?

Use advanced WhatsApp features, like integrating chatbots for 24/7 support or providing secure online payment options. Keep them informed about technological upgrades or new features in your services. You can use the following mailing tools for this: WhatsApp Bulk messenger and also do not forget to complicate the mechanics of Chatbot interaction with such customers, to impress them with their capabilities.

The Sceptical Customer

Sceptical customers need convincing before they trust a brand. Regular interaction, transparency, and excellent service via WhatsApp can help gain their confidence.

How to deal with them?

Build trust by sharing success stories, testimonials, and accreditations via WhatsApp. Maintain transparency in your communication and provide excellent customer service to gain their confidence.

A good way to convince a skeptical customer will be to show that your brand is successful, this can be done if you will have a green WhatsApp tick, which is complex proof that your business is official and verified Meta. We can help you get a green WhatsApp tick, and this article will tell you more about it: Acquiring the WhatsApp Green Tick: A Comprehensive Guide to Official Business Account.


Identifying the types of customers in your customer base and understanding how to approach them can significantly enhance your marketing and sales strategy. WhatsApp Business API, with its diverse features, provides an effective platform for businesses to connect with various customer types, fostering better relationships and driving growth. Remember, the right customer approach deals with meeting individual expectations and delivering superior types of consumers care.

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